A Cheap Alternative to Window Shutters – Choose Wood Venetians with Tape

A cheap alternative to window shuttersI love the look of window shutters. They’re simple, stylish, add privacy and also some character to bland windows in today’s modern homes. However windows in most new homes are small and shutters can also block out much of the light as well as being extremely expensive.

A great alternative are recessed wooden venetian blinds with tape. These still look stylish, allow in more light, and provide privacy without the need for those awful net curtains. They look great in smaller homes and apartments retaining the clean lines and sense of space.

window shutters

You can easily alter the amount of light you let in as well as levels of privacy. They are unisex and can be made to look more feminine, softened with curtains as well as roman blinds as I’ve done here in my dressing room. Excuse the quality of the photograph but my digital SLR will be out of action for a little while!

window shutters

These solid darker wooden blinds have a tad more of a slick designer feel.

wooden blinds

You can purchase made to measure blinds online and most of the companies provide detailed measuring and fitting guides. Just type in ‘taped wooden binds’ and ‘how to measure recessed blinds’ in the search engines and you’ll find a mine of information.

avatar Name: Alexandra Eager
About: Formerly Finance and Operations Director of anmarketing agency. Now luckily semi-retired. Amateur interior design buff, constantly experimenting on my own home (much to the chargrins of hubby) and passionate about anything to do with home interiors and improvements. Wish my house was bigger!

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Posts by Alexandra Eager (49)