How to Make Temporary Changes to Your Home

How to Make Temporary Changes to Your HomeWhether for practicality or fashion, all homes go through many incarnations over the years but not all changes need be permanent or expensive.

Colour Schemes and Paint

Paint is an inexpensive way to update your home. You might need to redecorate your home in neutral colours if moving house; creating a blank canvas for the new owners.

Those purchasing the property are unlikely to keep the decor exactly as it is once settled in but ultimately painting rooms a neutral colour is advisable as it can’t offend anyone’s sensibility but is easily changed at a later date. Avoid wallpaper, as it’s less easy to change. Using lighter colours will also help to make your rooms feel larger and more appealing to potential buyers.

Temporary Mobility aids

Those suffering with temporary mobility issues or opening their homes to an older relative may want to look at a temporary rent a stair lift options which allow you to have a stair lift installed in your home without making the change permanent. 

I came across this the other day and thought it was a really good idea. I looked after my mum after a fall a couple of years ago and if I had known this could be installed temporarily it would have saved a lot of hassle.

Other mobility aids can be added in key areas like the bathroom and even simple additions like grab rails can be fitted and easily removed at a later date when no longer needed.

Energy Savings

Energy efficiency is one of the latest buzz words in all industries and when it comes to your home there is plenty you can do to cut energy consumption and boost efficiency without spending a fortune with major works such as photovoltaic panels.

Fit a monitor that shows you how much electricity you are consuming at any one time which will draw your attention to ongoing consumption. Set your thermostat at a lower setting and fit your radiators with thermostatic controls to regulate the heat in each room.

Not a temporary or inexpensive change but fitting a new energy efficient boiler will also cut the cost of your energy bills and will not be too disruptive.

Multi-purpose Furniture and Storage

When life changes and you need extra space but can’t afford an extension or a move to a new home, think multi-purpose and great storage.

Sofa beds, extendable tables and innovative storage units are all great products that can really make the use of limited space and are great for temporary needs. As always Ikea is great for storage  and inexpensive multi use furniture.

avatar Name: Alexandra Eager
About: Formerly Finance and Operations Director of anmarketing agency. Now luckily semi-retired. Amateur interior design buff, constantly experimenting on my own home (much to the chargrins of hubby) and passionate about anything to do with home interiors and improvements. Wish my house was bigger!

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