The Adirondack or Muskoka Chair – Get Comfortable in the Garden

adirondack chairsI’ve been lucky enough to spend a deal of time in the Bahamas and Florida  away from the cold British winter and came across these wonderful patio chairs that are iconic in the States and Caribbean.

They are simple but really comfortable for a non padded garden chair with generous arms wide enough to accommodate your snack,  cup of tea or coffee or even “sun downer” on the odd occasion we have sun in the UK!

muskoka chairs

Called the  “Adirondack” or “Muskoka” chairs, it took me a while to track down the name. Not widely sold in the UK and expensive, but trust me they are worth it. The ones availabe in the UK tend to be hardwood, can be painted in any colour and will make a comfortable, bright addition to your garden.

adirondack chairs

We’ve managed to find a few UK websites that stock these fantastic looking chairs including and we also spotted some cheaper options on Amazon.

There are also a selection of Adirodack kits available online which are essentailly a “flat pack” version but like all self assembly furniture, these may not be as sturdy.

If you have any pictures of your Adirondack chairs I’d love to see them!

Image courtesy of MonotonousSarah Flickr

avatar Name: Alexandra Eager
About: Formerly Finance and Operations Director of anmarketing agency. Now luckily semi-retired. Amateur interior design buff, constantly experimenting on my own home (much to the chargrins of hubby) and passionate about anything to do with home interiors and improvements. Wish my house was bigger!

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