Every city slicker dreams of living in the countryside. Likewise, many people that grow up in a rural setting occasionally dream of the busy, fast-paced lifestyle of a major city.
While we all might yearn for what we don’t have, an increasing number of former city dwellers are giving up urban life for a relaxing, rural existence.
While living in the countryside has a lot of benefits, it can require a difficult period of adjustment for many former urbanites.
With the changing weather patterns, snow drifts and longer winters the following four must- have items for life in the countryside will help you enjoy rural life; whether you’re moving from a big city or a small, charming town.
A four-wheel drive vehicle, SUV, or similar ‘off road’ car
While you certainly don’t need a brand new Range Rover to enjoy life in the country, having a car that’s capable of driving off-road is certainly helpful. Many countryside homes are only accessible by gravel or dirt roads, making the average passenger car less useful than it would be in a city.
From carrying luggage to hauling farm equipment, a pickup truck, SUV, or even an estate vehicle will make your country life far simpler. If you’re shopping on a tight budget, consider a used pickup truck or estate wagon, instead of a high-priced SUV.
A large fridge, freezer, and food storage cupboards
If you live in Central London, you’re rarely further than five minutes from delicious food. In the countryside, however, you might need to drive for half an hour just for a snack. As such, it’s best to stock up on large amounts of food to keep at home.
Invest in a large fridge and freezer – preferably a unit that you can store in a spare room or your garage – to keep frozen meat, vegetables, and other ‘essentials’ fresh and ready to cook. This will save you time and money whenever you feel hungry.
A backup Internet connection or 3G modem
If you live tens of miles from the nearest cable exchange, you’ll likely be affected by internet blackouts and connectivity issues, more than the average urbanite. As such, it’s worth investing in a secondary connection to make sure you’re never offline.
High-speed DSL connections are widely available from as little as £10 per month, making a backup connection highly affordable. If you’d rather not spend the extra money, a 3G modem for your tablet or cell phone can achieve the same results.
An electrical generator for emergencies and extreme weather
From flooding to wind storms, there are plenty of weather conditions that can make electricity a luxury. In the countryside, where power lines are the norm and secure, underground connections are a rarity, it’s essential to have a backup power source.
Invest in a small electrical generator for your home to ensure that you never have to go without power. An inexpensive diesel generator is all it takes to keep your family safe, secure, and comfortable when the local power grid isn’t working properly. No-one wants to be in the middle of the countryside with just a little torch to light the way!
So there you have the four essentials to living in the countryside. Have we missed anything off the list? Let us know by commenting below.
This article was written by Mather & Stuart, one of the UK’s leading providers of power generators and emergency power equipment. Visit their website to learn more. Image courtesy of Kevin Dooley.