Currently obsessing over my oh so simple kitchen goody. I have a real love of cooking and like to think I’m pretty good at it too, so I wanted to share an of item that has helped me with my hobby.
After a recent trip across the channel to Caen and down to Bordeaux we were lucky enough to stay at a great little hotel called Clos Du Prince, which was part of the wonderful Chateau Camarsac (and incidentally served their wine also). Getting to the point, we were delighted to attend a tour of the Camarsac winery and tasted some of their wonderful wines, but we saw our guide Barbara using a natty little disc which when rolled up and slipped into the top of the bottle, completely stopped any drips of the luscious stuff landing on the table or your best table cloth!
You can purchase the stunning Camarsac wines here and if my French was better, I might be able to tell you if you could buy these splendid, simple little gadgets. You can also get them here at John Lewis but not as romantic I think.