5 Simple Things to Avoid When Doing DIY

My mind turned to what “not” to do after a heavy downpour washed the flipping paint off parts of an outside wall I painted a few days ago.

  1. Yes, a real daft mistake. My own daft mistake! So surely failure to correctly prepare before you paint deserves to be numero uno?Importantly, removing dust, grease and dirt before you apply a new coat of paint is simply critical. Of course your new paint will look better if the surface you’re painting is smooth, but in truth, what matters most is that it’s clean. One sure way to ensure its clean and grease free is to use an age old application to wash old paint with and that’s “sugar soap”. It can be bought ready to use or concentrated for you to dilute. Just mix it as the instructions on the container indicate.
  2. The second point, I think must be a great tip my beau believes in strongly do not rush. Nothing earth shattering, but valuable all the same and that’s to have the patience to wait, wait that is, before you rush in to re-decorate and get the wrong colour at least one you’re disappointed with. Live with a room for a while. Know when and where the sun settles in the room, which are the dark corners that need livening up. Think about how different colours affect your mood and what you would like for that room, be it a place to chill and relax or perhaps something more enlivening. If you don’t want it to replace your furnishings make sure you consider how you are going to tie everything. Create a simple mood board of your ideas with cuttings or anything that takes your fancy and re visit a week or so later to see whether you’ve changed your mind.
  3. When you take a paint sample pot home, do not just paint a small area or a couple of stripes, paint a goodly area so you can stand well back and decide whether is creates the image you imagined it would – after all, you can always paint over it! If there is a wallpaper that takes your fancy and you cannot get a big enough sample buy a roll and blue tack large pieces to a wall so you get more of an idea of what it will actually look like. If you still like the look and feel buy the rest but ensure all your rolls are the same batch.
  4. Fourth? It has to be to emphasise the old adage of “measure twice – cut once” – trust me, indeed perhaps I should say measure three times OR four! And cut once, I’ve spoiled more than one great DIY job (well I thought it was great) and I’ve don’t so more than once, by failing to measure correctly.
  5. My fifth “don’t” relates to drill bits, yes drill bits, whatever size or type – masonry, metal, wood or glass… don’t skimp by using old blunt bits or don’t try drilling tiles without using a glass bit. The cost of a new (drill) bit is not excessive and the difference it can make really is worth that extra care.
avatar Name: Alexandra Eager
About: Formerly Finance and Operations Director of anmarketing agency. Now luckily semi-retired. Amateur interior design buff, constantly experimenting on my own home (much to the chargrins of hubby) and passionate about anything to do with home interiors and improvements. Wish my house was bigger!

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