So what exactly IS a diploma in Interior Design?

Well everywhere I read it says that a diploma is a wonderful introduction to the subject and of course and importantly the better known the college the greater esteem your diploma will hold when you get it. Furthermore, being able to put .Dpl from XYZ institute or college will help your search for a career or get your first Clients. Not that any of that tells you what a diploma is though or what it should provide!

A good diploma course should teach you how to…..

Manage Ideas

It should put all those ethereal concepts and your creative talent into context, enabling you to use the ideas you have in your designs.  It should show you how to work with your client to get the right information in order to create liveable but beautiful spaces that ultimately a client will be happy with.

Use Colours Effectively

It will help you understand how to apply colours effectively for different criteria..  It may not be your favourite colour but a potential client may love it so a good course should again show you how to manage the process and marry your own passions with that of your client.

Draw Up Plans and Mood Boards

No concept though, however wonderful will be any use or ever get off the drawing board if it doesn’t get ON the drawing board in the first place, so the diploma course will teach you how to draw up plans and elevations – enable you to get your mind around the space you have to work with,. A good course should also show you how to draw up a plan or mood board to enable you to effectively convey your designs and ideas to a potential client.

Choosing Furniture, Soft Furnishings and Finishes

More than just colour and light though, the course will (or should) look at soft furnishings, the types, sizes and uses of them and where to put what where for the best effect. Or perhaps more importantly, how to source furniture  and furnishings that will suit a particular area, room or application and develop relationships with suppliers.

A step further will enable you to understand the use of carpets, wood and other flooring including finishes for walls also – paint of all types, oil based, water based and modern acrylics.

Use Light Effectively

Lighting plays a huge part in design and not only does it need to be functional it can change the whole mood of a space.

How to Best Market Your Talent

There should be a wealth of advice from active designers who have developed and run their own interior design business that can point you in the right direction with regard to targeting and developing your own client base and brand with online and offline advertising and marketing  and social media.

Manage your Business Finances

Last but not least a good course should teach you how to cost out projects and budget effectively. It should provide you with an understanding of accounts and enable you to manage your finances, or at the very least understand budgets and a set of accounts.

So there you go. A simple explanation of what a good diploma (in Interior design) should include.


avatar Name: Alexandra Eager
About: Formerly Finance and Operations Director of anmarketing agency. Now luckily semi-retired. Amateur interior design buff, constantly experimenting on my own home (much to the chargrins of hubby) and passionate about anything to do with home interiors and improvements. Wish my house was bigger!

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