Energy Saving


The Cleanest & Cheapest Way to Heat your Home

With energy prices high, more and more people are looking for cheap ways to heat their home in the winter. With global temperatures on the rise and increasing environmental awareness, many households are also looking for cleaner, more environmentally friendly solutions. This creates a difficult balancing act, and it can be hard to know which method to choose. Continue reading “The Cleanest & Cheapest Way to Heat your Home” »


How to Keep Warm This Winter and Reduce Your Fuel Bills

Winters are getting colder…

Well if you’re my age, you might think they are just going to be as cold as when you were little! But I confess that having just returned from warmer climbs (yes I was lucky enough to spend much of the summer in Portugal, basking in the high 30’s most days for 3 months or more) the colder weather is “metaphorically” killing me and I was prompted to put forward a few suggestions to keep warm this winter – some oldies but goodies. Continue reading “How to Keep Warm This Winter and Reduce Your Fuel Bills” »