Does Your Home Insurance Provide Adequate Cover?

As with any documentation always read the small print but sometimes things are easily missed. Your Insurance may not provide the cover in the way you expect.

Most insurance companies provide old for new but do they provide full replacement for matching pairs and sets?

It may surprise you to know that if only one half of your kitchen was damaged due to a flood or a leak and say for example the units were no longer stocked your insurance company may only replace those damaged units so you would end up with a mismatched kitchen. Another example would be if you had the same carpets throughout your home and only the carpets in the hallway and stairs were damaged they may only replace the carpets damaged and you may then have mismatched carpets if you were unable to source a match.

Ask your insurance about matching pairs and sets cover.

Do not always go for the cheapest option. There is a reason why they’re cheap.

Here are a further Top 10 Insurance Tips for consideration.

avatar Name: Alexandra Eager
About: Formerly Finance and Operations Director of anmarketing agency. Now luckily semi-retired. Amateur interior design buff, constantly experimenting on my own home (much to the chargrins of hubby) and passionate about anything to do with home interiors and improvements. Wish my house was bigger!

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